Call us 24 hours a day for all your shipments!
What you want is for your shipment to arrive at its destination in good condition and at a certain time. To meet your expectations, it is important that we know your exact requirements beforehand. For example the time you want your shipment delivered. As such, you can opt for delivery before a certain time, e.g. before 7 a.m. or 10 a.m.
We can also make delivery time appointments which would entail, say, ensuring we are at the delivery address at 1 p.m.
Transport of a shipment with a less common format? No problem. We also get that at the destination. We have already transported many products in our existence. Is it a mission that is completely new to us? We do not give way to that.
In fact, we see that as a challenge! We do our very best to turn every challenge into a successful delivery.
If you are looking for a carrier for your shipment, we would be happy to help. Your shipment will be transported carefully from A to B. Furthermore, you can follow your shipment’s journey on your own computer or smartphone.
Our Planning department can be reached 24 hours a day. If you would like to know more about our distribution service and what we can do for your company, please get in touch with us!