What you want is for your shipment to arrive at its destination in good condition and at a certain time.
Looking for a transporter who works quickly and carefully? If you deliver your goods to Dedemsvaart before 6:00 am, we can deliver it to your destination on the same day.
What you want is for your shipment to arrive at its destination in good condition and at a certain time. To meet your expectations, it is important that we know your exact requirements beforehand. For example the time you want your shipment delivered. As such, you can opt for delivery before a certain time, e.g. before 7 a.m. or 10 a.m.
We can also make delivery time appointments which would entail, say, ensuring we are at the delivery address at 1 p.m.
Do you have a shipment that needs to be delivered in the northeast of the Netherlands? Our cross-dock district planning for North guarantees same-day delivery. Speed, with retention of quality!
Would you like to know more about our distribution in the northeast of the Netherlands? Then get in touch with us!