Oegema is an independent and flexible logistic service provider. We are a venturous company as we are always looking for new opportunities that contemplate our existing businesses. From that viewpoint, we started developing our own data platform in 2020, the Oegema Group Data Platform(OGDP). The OGDP is a collection of software applications focused on easing and improving logistic processes. Fr example: planning trip, sharing of information with clients and partners, managing vehicles in the fleet, and the management of personal information.
Numerous requirements form the foundation of our data platform. The main concern of Oegema is to stay in control of the software and its functionality. It is of major importance that the software applications coincide with the business processes of the company and the expectations of employees and consumers. The foundation of the OGDP should be resilient such that it can handle future increases in computer load and changes in IT systems and business processes.
The OGDP is a data platform where carriers, shippers and receivers can exchange real-time logistic information. Thereby providing insights into the physical location of goods and the position of those goods in the logistic chain of shipper and carrier. The complete logistic chain gets clearer for all involved parties by combining information of the shipper, carrier and logistic service provider.
The OGDP uses the Open Trip Model(OTM). The OTM is an uniform data model that is developed to simplify communication between organisations involved in the logistic chain.
The OGDP is developed with scalability concerns to account for increased future use and modularity concerns to adapt easier to new processes. We use modern techniques to guarantee scalability and modularity. The OGDP is designed according to the microservice architecture. Each individual service is developed as a separate microservice. These individual microservices are coupled via messaging protocols and systems. Coupling via messaging results in a loosely coupled system which makes it easier to update individual microservices without influencing others.
We host the OGDP microservices on a self-managed Kubernetes cluster. Kubernetes is the most popular container orchestration platform that is currently available. A container orchestration platform makes it possible to host multiple microservices of the same instance concurrently. Therefore the system guarantees instant redundancy because when a single instance goes down there is a failover instance remaining. This same technique can also be used to scale certain instances such that an extra instance is deployed when the computational load increases. The OGDP’s redundancy and scalablility is ensured for the future by the combination of the microservice architecture with Kubernetes.
All information in the OGDP is processed and transmitted via events. The big advantage of event-driven event sharing is real-time up-to-date information. Another advantage of event-driven information handling is the easy integration with warning or alert mechanisms on deviations. As data is real-time available this allows involved parties to take quick action and resolve the issue at hand. Alert can for example be used to inform the receiver about a deviated delivery time.